1) When did you first begin writing?
I first began my book after I completed by dissertation and felt like I still needed something to do.
2) When did you know writing would be what you wanted to do? Was there any inciting moment when you decided to pursue a writing career?
I just started writing stories for fun and when I ended up with a complete book, I thought 'why not try to publish it'? I also had several friends look it over first and they were very encouraging in terms of me publishing also.
3) What is your favorite genre to read, and why? Favorite book/series?
I like all types of books, but particularly science fiction and I am a fan of Michael Crichton.
4) How do you get inspiration for your writing? Was there any specific inspiration for Order of the Dimensions?
I became fascinated with the many-worlds theory, particularly with how we could be living totally different lives in different dimensions and thought that it would be interesting to write a story around the notion. The protagonist is also in academia as I am in terms of my career, so it was natural for me to write about characters in that setting.
5) How long had you been working on Order of the Dimensions before you decided to publish it on Lulu?
I worked on the book about six to seven months before I decided to publish on Lulu.
6) What group of people you think Order of the Dimensions will appeal to the most? Why?
I hope everyone likes it, especially young girls who are perhaps interested in getting into the sciences.
She also provided us with a sneak peak of her work, below:
She turned her head to see Dr. Perkinds feverishly trying to make a call but to no avail.
'My cell phone isn't working either," she confirmed with a slight unease.
Just then, several men with flashlights appeared and the audience became relieved, believing the men to be part of security. The lights went back on, and the audience noted the men were all dressed in black.
After a few moments, the figures in black began dragging individuals into the aisle and shouting; these men definitely were not security. A few of the men signaled to the ceiling, leading to ropes dropping down and several more black-dressed men sliding down the ropes to the floor of the hall and then to the stage. The room once again darkened, causing the anxiety of the audience to rise significantly. Beating and screaming could be heard everywhere.
Someone grabbed Jane's arm and dragged her to what she believed, in the dark, was the stage. She felt someone pushing her into a box. Was it possibly the Multiverser? Overwhelmed, she began gasping for air. She tried to scream but couldn't; she finally blacked out.
Order of the Dimensions is available on Lulu: here
Thank you Irene Helenowski for providing us with the interview and sneak peak!